Words, Video, Pictures, Design


Video Work


While working at the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, I created a number of short, nat-sound, social media-ready videos highlighting the Center’s archaeological research and educational programming. The videos were produced with the following guidelines: 1) They must be done quickly and cheaply; 2) They must show people doing things (i.e. keep the talking heads to a minimum); and 3) The footage I took had to be reasonably evergreen and able to be reworked in many different contexts for diverse audiences ranging from parents and school children to philanthropic donors and Ph.D.-level researchers. 

These videos were shot on an array of gear ranging from pro-grade JVC’s and Canon 5D’s to consumer camcorders, aerial drones, and iPhones, and were edited using Adobe Premier, Audition, Photoshop, After Effects, and other Creative Cloud apps.

Prior to my arrival, Crow Canyon had virtually no YouTube presence beyond a few very specific long-form videos created primarily as grant deliverables, and nothing that was actually created in-house. The videos I produced were all greatly helped to expand Crow Canyon’s social media presence (as well as increase program revenues).

Here are a few examples: